Archibald D. Scott III
Colonel Archibald D. Scott III was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from the Ground General School, AOC Class 18-49, 20 December 1949 at Fort Riley, Kansas. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, F Company, 32d Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, Japan and Korea. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Company Commander, I Company, 11th Infantry Regiment, Fort Ord, California; Company Commander, E Company, 11th Infantry Regiment, Fort Ord, California; S-3 Air, 505th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; S-3, 3rd Battalion, 102d Infantry Regiment, 43d Infantry Division; Advisor, Brigadier General Lee Sae Ho, Commanding General, 28th Republic of Korea (ROK) Division, Korean Military Advisory Group, Korea; Enlisted Advisor, Lieutenant General Krulak, U.S. Marine Corps, and Admiral McCain, Commander in Chief Pacific (CINCPAC), Hawaii. | As a civilian, Colonel Scott worked in the insurance field and as the Director, U.S. Marine Corps Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division.