Frank J. Angyal
Colonel Frank James Angyal was commissioned upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, Class 519-68, 12 March 1968. His first duty assignment was as a Training Officer at Fort Lewis, Washington. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Headquarters & Headquarters Company (HHC), 4/39 Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam; Platoon Leader, Company Commander and Executive Officer, A Company, 4/39 Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam and Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Instructor, Company Operations, Fort Benning, Georgia; Instructor, 70th Training Division, Michigan; Detachment Commander, Company B, 12th Special Forces Group (SFG) (Airborne)(A), Michigan; Operations Officer, Detachment Commander, Company Executive Officer, and Company Commander, C Company, 1st Battalion, 12th SFG (A), MI; Civil-Military Operations Officer, Headquarters, 12th SFG (A), Illinois; Adjutant and Executive Officer, 12th SFG (A), IL; Company Commander, 77th Military Intelligence Company, IL; Commander, 1st Battalion, 12th SFG (A), Missouri; Commander, 12th SFG (A), IL; Executive Officer and Acting Commander, 1st Brigade, 85th Division (Exercise), IL; Executive Officer, 1st Brigade, 85th Division (Exercise), Fort Sheridan, Illinoi. | He was also serving as the Manager for Ameritech, Southfield, Michigan.