Marvin L. Worley, Jr.
Colonel Marvin L. Worley, Jr. was commissioned upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 436-45, 13 April 1945. His first duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, Infantry Replacement Training Center, Fort McClellan, Alabama. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Platoon Leader, Company L, and Special Services Officer, Headquarters Company, 3d Infantry Division, Ludwigsburg and Berlin, Germany; Assistant Professor of Military Science, University of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee; Food Service Advisor and Executive Officer, United Nations Peace Conference, Pan Munjom, Korea; Company Commander, 28th Company, 10th Regiment, U.S. Army Infantry School (USAIS), Fort Benning, Georgia; Editor/Writer, Academic Department, USAIS, Fort Benning, Georgia; Supply Officer, Advisory Section, Verdun, France; Supply Officer and Battalion Commander, 72d Ordnance Battalion, 4th Logistical Command, Verdun, France; Procurement Officer, Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama; Chief, Engineer Division, U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama; Chief, International Logistics, Army Materiel Command, Hawaii; Deputy Director, Plans and Management, 2d Logistical Command, U.S. Army Pacific, Okinawa, Japan; Battalion Commander, 98th Maintenance Battalion, Fort Knox, Kentucky; Director of Maintenance, 2d Logistical Command, U.S. Army Pacific, Okinawa.