Lieutenant Colonel Chesley J. Bennett was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation on 27 March 1942, class number 6. His first duty assignment was as Tactical Officer, 3d Student Training Regiment, The Infantry School. | His subsequent duty assignments include: Tactical Officer and Executive Officer, O.C. Company, The Infantry School; Commander, 1st O.C. Company, 3d Student Taining Regiment, CO, ACO, 263 Inf, European Theater of Operations; CO, ACO, 263 Infantry, European Theater of Operations; Civilian Advertising Business; USAR; Japan G3, SEC, Headquarters Fec, Far East Command; Staff Officer and CO, OCS Battalion, 1st OCS Regiment; Korea - Bn S-3, Executive Officer, Regimental S-3, 27th Ind, 25th Div; Staff Officer Office, Schief Res & ROTC Affairs, Headquarters, DA; Special Project Officer, Info Div, Headquarters, U.S. Army Europe, Germany; Senior Army Rep on J Info Staff for Lebanon Operations, Headquarters, CINorth CarolinaSPECOMME, Lebanon; Special Projects Officer, Info Division, Headquarters, U.S. Army Europe, Germany; Industrial Liaison Officer for CINFO in Southeast, Office Chief of Info, DA, Birmingham, Alabama. | Lieutenant Colonel Bennett's awards and decorations include: the Army Commendation Ribbon w/Cluster, Bronze Star w/Cluster.