Board Of Directors
Colonel John R. O’Shea, USA (Ret)

Colonel John R. O'Shea was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School Class 30-69, 19 September 1969. His first duty assignment was Training Officer, Company A, 5th Tng Bn, Fort Benning, Georgia.
His subsequent assignments (active duty) include Platoon Leader and Executive Officer, Company C, 1/29th Infantry, Honor Guard, Fort Benning, Georgia; Platoon Leader 1/38th and Assistant G3, 2nd Inf Div, Korea. (USAR not on active duty): Training Officer, Company E, 1/304th Infantry, 76th Division, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Commander, HHD, 1st Brigade, 76th Division, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Commander, Company C, 2/304th Infantry, 76th Division, Saco, Maine; Adjutant, 2/304th Infantry, 76th Division, Saco, Maine; Operations, Logistics, Intell Officer, 1st Brigade, 76th Division, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; (USAR – AGR): Assistant Professor of Military Science and Executive Officer of Instructor Group at State University of New York Fredonia; Mobilization and Readiness Officer, Office of the Chief of Army Reserve, The Pentagon; Congressional Liaison Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Army, The Pentagon; Congressional Actions Officer, Office of the Chief, Army Reserve, Pentagon; Director, Strategic Outreach Program, Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.
Military Education includes National Defense University, Army War College, Army Command & Staff College, and the Infantry Officers Advance Course.
Decorations and badges include Legion of Merit (2), Meritorious Service Medal (3), Army Commendation Medal (2), National Defense Service Ribbon (2), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Korea Defense Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal (2), Parachutist Badge, Army General Staff Identification Badge, Army Superior Unit Award.